Anger Management & Conflict Resolution Program Gold Coast will help you understand and manage your anger so that it doesn’t explode into rage. At the end of the day, the only thing that brings joy and meaning to life is having loving meaningful relationships with family and friends. The purpose of this program is to help you develop a better quality of life by improving your relationships. 

This program is also ideal for supervisors and managers to help them develop communication and conflict resolution skills with work colleagues. 

How is the course delivered?

The course is of three weeks duration. It involves 4.5 hours in 3 sessions with trained professionals that are best done weekly…

Subjects by Week

  • Week 1
    Understand Anger

    1. Understand the underlying issues that cause anger
    2. Understand how grief and loss can lead to anger
    3. What happens when I get angry?
    4. Weighing up the costs vs the benefits of anger

  • Week 2
    Manage & Resolve Anger

    5. Who or what am I angry about?
    6. Communication skills and conflict resolution
    7. Understanding forgiveness & the forgiveness process

  • Week 3
    Legal Issues & aftercare

    8. Where to from here?
    The brain can change (neuroplasticity summary)
    Optimal Health
    Substance Abuse
    Legal issues of explosive anger & rage.

Why this program?

It is a known fact that anger and violence in our community causes dysfunction, devastation and tragedy. Anger and violence also places a huge economic and social strain on our community and its resources. Quite frankly, it can devastate lives for generations to come.


The Anger Management & Conflict Resolution program could be also helpful for those individuals who have been charged with offences by the police, or are 1st time Respondents in Domestic Violence Applications, as well as people who want to develop skills to overcome the harmful effects of rage on themselves and their loved ones.


The aim of this course is to provide these individuals with a brief intervention program that will provide them with skills to identify triggers causing anger and ways in which to manage these triggers. There are often very limited, or no brief intervention courses or services in this area where people live that are being offered and those that are available, can be very expensive (through private practitioners), or take a lot of time to complete, (from 16 – 26 weeks). This expense or significant duration of time, may create barriers to help and set people up for failure, particularly when they are best suited to a brief intervention program.


The principle supporting this program is that a brief intervention provides clinical pathways into further treatment. Research affirms that if people have experienced the benefit of a brief intervention, then they are more likely to engage with further intensive services when they need them. The benefit of this program is that anger related offences / domestic violence matters, can dealt with quickly and efficiently through the court system.


If the individual attends and satisfactorily participates in the course, then they will receive a certificate of Participation and Completion which can be presented to the court in their matter.

People can benefit from a short intervention program addressing Anger Management and Conflict Resolution PRIOR to them going to court. 

This brief intervention program can help expedite court matters and relieve congestion from lengthy court adjournments and delays in accessing long term programs for 1st time Domestic Violence Respondents, that may successfully address aggressive behaviours through brief interventions and counselling follow up.


Whilst we recognise the benefit and necessity of long term rehabilitation and treatment for repeat offenders, some first time domestic violence offenders can be treated with brief interventions and clinical pathways into further treatment and support, (such as counselling), can also be provided as an extension of this brief intervention. Victims can then be provided with the infrastructure they need to be kept safe and supported through counselling services and ensure that professionals help to mediate the reconciliation process.


There are many respondents that do not have a violent criminal record and have become decompensated through an overwhelming crises, (such as death, loss of job etc), that has precipitated this offense. These people can do well with brief interventions, as has been demonstrated over the last 13 years with the QLD Traffic Offenders Program in Australia, that the presenter helped to set up as one of the founding members, as well as the QLD Illicit Drug Diversion for first time drug possession that the presenter was also involved with for 5 years.


These matters and delays can cause significant trauma and stress to children that are alienated from the offending parent even when both parents have agreed to reconciliation with the assistance and mediation of health professionals. However, this reconciliation can be delayed for extended periods of time if first time domestic violence respondents have to wait 3 months to undertake a long term program and then another 4 months to complete the program. This 7 month process can also contribute towards further relationship breakdowns and stress to the children and community as a whole.


Course curriculum

You will get a certificate upon 100% completion, however, this course is also suitable to present to court in Australia and may be available in other countries. If you need to present your course compilation to the court, please contact the instructor directly.

This training is tax deductible in many countries as a work related expense and enables supervisors and managers to maintain professional development and upskilling.


Social proof: testimonials

“Very, very informative and interesting. Would love extra therapy. Would love more days. Loved it.”


“I came into this sceptical and doing it just for the sake of doing it but have found it really beneficial. The science behind the brain and learning to control limbic system with frontal lobes has struck a chord with me. Techniques like traffic light system have really helped. Taking control of emotions and having values, morals and principles has been empowering. Education from the program will be used and imparted to family and friends. ”


“I could relate to the program as far as communicating my thoughts, feelings and emotions. It has shown me how to be aware of my emotions and given me techniques to stop anger and rage from developing. Has made me realise even more about how my actions can have terrible outcomes for myself and those around me (eg Partner, family, children, and workmates). Taught me to be are of my behaviour and to approach life in general with a positive attitude and to not hold onto negativity and let go of past issues.”


Your Insturctor

George Patriki

George has spent countless hours helping thousands of people affected by substance abuse & mental health issues. He works as a Dual Diagnosis Consultant on the Gold Coast and throughout Australia.

George is committed to reaching out to people struggling with addictive behaviours, particularly those with severe life controlling problems due to significant trauma.

He works in areas of court advocacy, counselling, outreach, running community forums, seminars and recovery groups for drug users (including dual diagnosis) & their loved ones.