About the course

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Welcome

    • Resources for Making the Best of Coronavirus Quarantine

    • Identifying Opportunities for Growth

    • Learning Goals Worksheet

    • Determining What to Learn

    • Tools for Learning

  • 2


    • Coping with Boredom and Making Good Use of Your Time

    • Making Good Use of My Time List

    • Healthy Distractions (Ideas for What to Do with Your Time)

    • Unhealthy Distractions (What NOT to Do with Your Time)

  • 3


    • Creating a Vision of Your Future

    • BONUS: How to Make a Vision Board (Guest Instructor Victoria Hawkins)

    • Setting Goals

    • Setting Goals Worksheet

    • Ta-Da List: Weekly and Daily Action Pan

    • Weekly and Daily Plan Template

    • Make a Schedule: The Importance of Routine

  • 4


    • The Importance of Mindfulness and Being Present

    • Going Through the Stages of Grief

    • Always Reach Toward Feeling BETTER

    • Emotional Scale Worksheet

    • Being a Social Creature in Isolation

    • How to Cope with Stress

    • Coping with Stress Worksheet

    • Accepting Your Circle of Control

    • Circle of Control Worksheet

    • Stop Worry and Fearful Thinking

    • Stop Fearful Trains of Thought Worksheet

    • How to Avoid Conflict in Stressful Situations

    • Exercise and Movement for Stress Relief (In a Limited Space)

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    • Next Steps

  • 6

    BONUS Mindfulness Activities and Meditations

    • Download MP3 Files of Meditations

    • Two Minute Bell Exercise

    • Candle Meditation

    • Body Awareness

    • Progressive Relaxation

    • Gratitude Meditation

    • Self Inquiry Meditation

    • Release and Surrender Meditation

    • Loving Kindness Meditation

    • The Mindfulness Mountain

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    BONUS VIDEOS on Mastering the Mind and Emotions

    • Thoughts Create Emotions

    • The Body-Mind-Emotions Connection

    • Body-Mind-Emotions DEMONSTRATION

    • Emotional Conditioning

    • Conditioning Worksheet

    • Situational vs Psychological Fear

    • Putting Yourself First

    • De-Catastrophizing (Overcoming Worry)

    • Accepting Your Emotions

    • Changing Limiting Beliefs

    • Changing Limiting Beliefs Worksheet

    • Unconditional Dreams and Desire

    • Unconditional Dreams Worksheet

Who is guiding you

Joeel and Natalie Rivera are professional speakers, trainers, and coaches.

Their mission is to provide tools that empower people to ignite their dreams, unleash their potential and fulfill their purpose. Through their company, Transformation Academy, they provide digital content publishing, online courses, and life coach training programs that act as a catalyst for personal empowerment.

Joeel is a former psychology professor with a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Education and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with an emphasis on happiness. Using the science of psychology and human potential, they train leading edge entrepreneurs, leaders, life coaches, and individuals how to master the power of their mind and create their destiny.

They are serial entrepreneurs who challenge and inspire others to take their power back through self-employment as INDIEpreneurs, (self-employed freedom junkies). Between the two of them, they’ve started over a dozen businesses, from photography to a non-profit teen coaching center, and from an import business to a holistic virtual office.

They became INFOpreneurs in 2014 when they fully transitioned their print magazine into digital format because they found they could reach an exponential, worldwide market at a fraction of the time and cost. They closed their physical offices and began converting their in-person workshops and speeches into information products and online courses. Then, in 2015 they received a proverbial “kick in the pants” to go “all-in” when Joeel fell ill after traveling overseas. Unable to leave the house, they continued to reach and inspire their market by digitizing their popular workshops, life coach training programs and certifications, making them available worldwide at a fraction of the cost.

Today, they have served over 200,000 students from 195 countries.