Course Description

The most valuable asset you have as a parent is your calm presence. This two-part course includes evidence-based strategies from western psychology and ancient wisdom from yoga, and mindful self-care practices that integrate both. This course is designed for parents, or anyone interested in learning more about mindful parenting.

Core teachings include these foundational topics:
  • Model a calm and clear presence
  • Create a loving space for self-care You will connect to your innate wisdom, cultivate mindfulness, and build your life force through the following:

  • Restorative postures
  • Self-care practices
  • Meditation
  • Stories to inspire
  • Questions for self-reflection

    Plus, you'll learn active listening techniques essential for healthy family communication.

    What you'll need:

  • a clear quiet space in your home where you can relax and turn inward
  • a chair, bolster or cushion, and 1-2 blankets
  • a partner or friend to join you in the partner exercises

    In total, the class will take you approximately 4 hours to complete.

  • Course Outline

    Session 1: Modeling calm presence Children learn through imitation. In order for children to learn self-care, we must embody a calm and clear presence. Self-care practices help us to stay calm and see what's happening with more clarity. 
Self-care practices: Explore your resting breath and Touchpoint breathing practice

    Session 2: Cultivating a loving space In our parenting, we can commit to being kind toward ourselves. I call this intention toward self-compassion creation of "a loving space." Self-care practice: Complete breathing and Touchpoint breathing expanded

    Who this course is for:

    • Parents who want to demonstrate emotional balance

    • Parents who want to explore the connection between mind and body

    • Those who support parents such as counselors and psychotherapists


    These may be the most useful and affirming two hours you can spend as a parent. It is the ultimate gift in self-care that in turn becomes a great gift to your child. The concepts and video demonstrations, the poses and the stories, weave a tapestry of that “loving space" from which we can be our best self in the service of our children and our parenting partners. For the clinician, it provides an accessible set of ideas and strategies for helping the stressed parents we serve. A fantastic resource.”

    Luci Hackbert, PhD has done what she does best and created a thoughtful, gentle and clear guide to anyone on the path of parenting. The power of her work lies in her unwavering support of parents and their inner lives. Luci empowers us to show up for ourselves so we can embody the responsibility and joy of raising our children.”

    • Learn to model and calm and clear presence

    • Uncover obstacles that interfere with effective parenting

    • Create a loving space for self-care practices

    Course curriculum

    • 1


      • Parenting with Awareness (PWA) Trailer

      • Pre-Quiz for PWA

    • 2

      Introduction to Mindfulness

      • Introduction to Mindfulness

      • Questions for Self-Reflection

      • Introduction to Mindfulness

    • 3

      Session 1 - Modeling Calm Presence

      • Intro text for Session 1: Modeling calm presence

      • Session 1_01 Modeling Calm Presence

      • Session 1_01 Modeling Calm Presence

      • Handout for Parenting with Awareness: Session 1

      • Session 1_02 Modeling Calm Presence

      • Session 1_03 Introduce the Self-care practice-Explore your resting breath

      • Session 1_04 Now do the Self-care practice-Explore resting breath

      • Session 1_03 Introduce the Self-Care Practice- Explore Your Resting Breath

      • Session 1_04 Now do the Self-Care Practice- Explore Your Resting Breath

      • Session 1_05 Questions for Self-Reflection

      • Session 1_05 Questions for Self-Reflection

      • Session 1_06 Introduce Restorative Posture -Legs up the wall pose

      • Session 1_06 Introduce Restorative Posture- Legs up the wall pose

      • Session 1_07 Now do Restorative posture with a story to inspire

      • Session 1_07 A Story to Inspire

      • Session 1_08 Introduction to Touchpoint breathing

      • Session 1_08 Introduction to Touchpoint Breathing

      • Session 1_09 Now do Self-care practice- Touchpoint Breathing

      • Session 1_09 Now do Self-care practice-Touchpoint breathing

      • Session 1_10 Mindfulness and Trauma

      • Session 1_10 Mindfulness and Trauma

      • Session 1_11 Wrap-up

      • Session 1_11 Wrap-up

      • Homework

    • 4

      Session 2: Cultivating a loving space

      • Intro text for Session 2: Cultivating a loving space

      • Handout for Session 2: Cultivating a Loving Space

      • Session 2_01 Cultivating a Loving Space

      • Session 2_02 Cultivating a Loving Space

      • Session 2_03 Introduce Self-Care Practice - Complete Breathing

      • Session 2_04 Now do self-care - Complete Breathing

      • Session 2_05 Questions for Self-Reflection

      • Session 2_06 Instructions for Legs up the wall pose

      • Session 2_07 Guided rest with Story to Inspire

      • Session 2_08 Introduction to Touchpoint Breathing Expanded

      • Session 2_09 Now do Touchpoint Breathing Expanded

      • Session 2_10 Wrap-up

    • 5

      Final Quiz

      • Post-quiz PWA Online course

    About Your Instructor

    Lucianne Hackbert,
    PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Life Coach

    My name is Lucianne Hackbert, PhD. and I am a life coach, guide and teacher. I believe you have intuition about what is right and true for you. My work as a coach, guide and teacher reflect years of training and professional expertise as a licensed clinical psychologist. My life experience as a dedicated yogi, an artist, a wife and a mother are also important assets for our work.

    I received a BA in Art and Psychology from Mary Baldwin College and an MS and PhD in clinical psychology from the University of New Mexico. After postdoctoral training and an appointment as a clinical instructor at the University of Washington Medical School, I left academia and started a clinical practice in Seattle in 2001.

    After the birth of my second son in 2005, my psychology practice began to broaden to include my family life, and I became motivated on a deeply personal level. I noticed my emotional connection to my two sons was so alive, so inspiring, and also sensitive. As a new mother, I felt so vulnerable. At times this sensitivity overwhelmed me. I turned to my personal practice of yoga and mindfulness to super-charge my confidence. I noticed that when I took the time to care for myself, I felt more open, loving, attentive, and wise with my family. When I took the time to replenish my internal resources, I was more equipped to handle the challenges that arose naturally out of everyday parenting situations. I learned that the strategies that were useful for my clients were also helpful to me as a parent. I hope that the practices I have developed in my Parenting with Awareness course will empower you too to be more attuned to yourself and become a pillar of calm presence for your family.
