Course Description

The Remembering your Worth program is an accumulation of information, skills and lessons I have learned throughout my life. I have walked the Journey of Remembering my worth and spent many hours reading up about it, researching it and honing my skills. This program has some important information in the guide and videos. I have also included some activities in the form of Self-Healing Sessions that will help you to dig deep to find the aspects that affect your self-worth. The program also has a number of meditations designed to help you heal and grow and remember your self-worth.
The Self-Healing Sessions and meditations are perhaps the most important parts of this program.

Your instructor

Juanita Pienaar

Juanita Pienaar is an intuitive empath and quantum healer. After spending 4 years studying Psychology and a couple of years working in corporate she gave it all up to ‘live the dream’ as a dive instructor on tropical islands all over the world. She has a passionate love affair with the ocean and escapes there whenever she can.

She is a yoga teacher and fully believe in finding the balance in life. She has recently discovered the joy and freedom of wearing yoga pants ‘out-and-about’ – and found it to be fantastic!

She is the owner and founder of Life @ 108 – a company aiming at encouraging and empowering individuals through the messy bits of life to obtain a sense of wholeness and balance and most importantly joy. Walking her journey alongside with depression and facing quite a few ‘dark nights of the soul’ along the way Juanita has pushed through and knows what is on the other side. She offers intuitive readings and personal life enhancement sessions as well as shadow work to her clients. Mostly she hopes to inspire others going through a rough time, to let them know that they are not alone and that there really is a light at the end of the (sometimes very dark) tunnel.

You can visit her website at or email [email protected] for more information on what she does.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    About this program

    • About the program

  • 2

    What is self-worth?

    • What is self-worth?

    • I am worthy!

    • Meditation: Transmuting Shadow Emotions

    • First things first – finding all your yucky bits

    • Trigger situations

    • Self-Healing Session - Shadow Work

  • 3

    Getting to the root of things

    • Intro

    • I am loved

    • Meditation: Ancestral connection and wounds healing

    • Conditioning

    • Meditation: Core wounds healing

    • How to keep a gratitude journal

    • Meditation: Observe the Flower

    • Meditation: Observe the tree-bark

    • Meditation: Observe the raindrop

    • Self- Healing Session – Tracing your Ancestral Patterns

  • 4

    Let´s talk about rejection

    • Intro

    • I am enough

    • Self- Healing Session – Unconditional Self Love

    • Meditation: I am enough

    • Self- Healing Session – Self-Love exploration

    • Meditation: Self-love

  • 5

    Victim mode and ‘Poor me’ mentality

    • Intro

    • I deserve to be loved

    • Meditation: Releasing victim mentality

  • 6


    • Intro

    • I am expending

    • Self- Healing Session – Setting boundaries

    • Upholding your boundaries

    • Self- Healing Exercise – Noticing when boundaries are crossed

  • 7

    Fear of receiving and letting go of the known

    • Intro

    • I am Commited to my Healing

    • Self- Healing Session – releasing the fear of receiving

    • Meditation: Letting go and becoming open to receive

    • Letting go of the known